FLEXWAVE to Exhibit at Taipei Smart City Summit & Expo

FLEXWAVE will participate in the Taipei Smart City Summit &…

Evaluation of High-Efficiency Energy Harvester

The European Commission warns that by 2025, 78 million batteries…

FLEXWAVE to Exhibit at the 2024 Taiwan Expo in Thailand – Net Zero Pavilion

FLEXWAVE to Exhibit at the 2024 Taiwan Expo in Thailand – Net…

FLEXWAVE sets a new record of indoor Si PV

Here Comes the New Efficiency Record of indoor mono-Si PV - 23.97% Overcoming…

PV Magazine reported FLEXWAVE’s high efficient solutions

The leading photovoltaic trade magazine & and website launched in the summer of 2008. With independent, technology-focused reporting...

FLEXWAVE announced >20% indoor performance of mono-Si based waveguide PV module at EUPVSEC.

The over 40 year long history EU PVSEC is the largest international Conference for Photovoltaic research, technologies and applications...

FLEXWAVE has been selected as TOP100 of Echelon

Asia's largest tech and startup media platform, has announced the launch of Echelon Asia Summit 2023. Organised at Singapore EXPO on 14-15 June 2023...

Flexwave receives the Solar Impulse label

announce that FLEXWAVE CO., LTD. has been labeled as 1 of 1,000 efficient solutions by Solar Impulse Foundation...

Winner of APICTA Merit Award (Sustainability & Environmental Technology)

FLEXWAVE is the winner of the Merit Award in Sustainability and Environmental Technology sector of APICTA (Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards) competition...

Granted by Angel funding from Taiwan’s National Development Fund.

FLEXWAVE has committed to the development of new solar modules that are bendable, transparent...