FLEXWAVE utilizes Photonic Waveguide Encapsulation to address the constraints of Photon Energy Harvesting solutions. The revolutionary Waveguiding Technology boasts unique capabilities, enabling effortless shaping, vibrant coloration, and scattering light collection.
In 2021, FLEXWAVE earned recognition as 1 of the 1,000 Efficient Solutions for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) #7 and #9 by the Solar Impulse Foundation. We introduce the “Device-Integrated Photovoltaics” concept to help decarbonize and shape the pathway toward to a sustainable and energy-intelligent future.

1 of 1,000 Efficient Solution
Labelled Efficient Solutions on
「SDG#7-Affordable and Clean Energy」
「SDG#9-Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure」

Sustainable Power
Unlimited power for AIoT devices by harvesting ambient light. We provide up to 75% more energy harvesting-to-battery power than commercial solar systems.

Energy Harvesting Solution
We provide all the accessories needed for light energy harvesting.

Plug & Play
We provide ODM & OEM services, so you just need to plug and play.

Durable & Reliable
Waterproof and UV resistant for 10 years. Suitable for extreme environments. It will serve as your most reliable energy harvester.